Regrip my Pickleball Paddle

How Do I know When To Regrip My Pickleball Paddle

Depending on the condition of the paddle then that determines if it needs to be regripped or not. 

  • Rips: If there are rips or holes in the grip it may be time to replace it.
  • Old: Depending on how often the paddle is used, 2-3 months is a general rule for how often grip should be replaced. But the more someone plays the more frequent the grip needs to be replaced. 
  • Dirty: Overtime there can be dirt build-up and the grip can lose its tacky feel. Replacing the grip frequently can keep the paddle’s grip feeling new. 
  • Dark Hands: From over use the grip can start to wear and leave a black residue on your hands.

If your grip has any of these issues it is time to look at replacing the grip. Take a look at Tommy Tape Grip Wrap as a replacement grip. Pickleball grip is extremely important to play the game.

Difference in Tommy Tape Versus Others

Tommy Tape Grip Wrap Competitor’s Product
✅ Non-Adhesive: Grip wrap is self-fusing and does not require adhesive to stay wrapped around the handle of the paddle. 🗙 Requires Adhesive: Competitors do not self-fuse and require adhesive to stay attached the the paddle. 
✅ Easily Modifiable: Grip wrap can be cut and wrapped in anyway that is comfortable.  🗙 Cannot Modify: Competitors have a guideline and the racket can only be wrapped a certain way and it is hard to cut and customize. 
✅ Ridges to Improve Grip: Ridges and divots help keep control over the paddle for a better swing 🗙 Smooth: A smoother surface loses the grip easier. If the tacky feeling goes then there is no grip. But if the tacky feeling leaves on the tommy tape the ridges still provide grip. 

Step by Step on How to Grip a Pickleball Paddle:


Remove Old Grip: Peel back the old grip and strip it all off. If it is having a hard time coming up then use an X-Acto knife or multitool to strip away at the old material.


Remove adhesive or remaining substance: Examine the handle for any glue or pieces of material left behind. Clean off the handle thoroughly using adhesive remover or whatever is on hand. Be sure to completely clean the handle, whatever is left behind will be felt through the grip. 


Take the new grip out: Prepare to wrap it around the racket. Peel back about 5 inches worth of the plastic backing on the wrap. The wrap is self-fusing, so there’s no adhesive mess. However be cautious to not have the tape get tangled as it is being wrapped because it will fuse and have a hard time coming undone.


Begin Wrapping at the End Cap: Take the unwrapped part of the grip and wrap it completely around the end cap. Then begin spinning the paddle and wrapping the tape and overlapping it as it goes up the handle. Be sure to hold a firm clutch on the excess tape and be sure not to tangle the tape as it is being wrapped because it will get stuck together and fuse. 


Clean up top of racket: Once the pickleball grips is wrapped all the way up the handle, changes might need to be made. Whether to cut at the top and make it even or to cut away at any lumps or bumps. Finally if you have silicone tape, it can be wrapped around the top to seal it off to make sure it will not be unraveled.